
1、 作品项目资料Project data):



英文(English)Based on the concept of reutilization of architectural resources


中国山东省济南(Ji'nan City, Shandong Province, China

总用地面积(Land Area)

    城市项目(urban project 60㎡

    郊区项目(Suburban projects)150㎡

    乡村项目(rural project)320㎡

总建筑面积(Gross Floor Area)

    城市项目(urban project)64㎡

    郊区项目(Suburban projects)62㎡

    乡村项目(rural project)180㎡

容积率(Floor Area Ratio)

    城市项目(urban project)1.06

    郊区项目(Suburban projects)0.41

    乡村项目(rural project)0.56

2、 项目简介Project  Introduction)






Based on the concept of reutilization of architectural resources, we interpret architectural resources as the combination of function, space, and material. In the intention of better integrating with the site context, we deconstructed these three resources and reorganized them with the regional constraints.

We chose bus top to be the carrier of concept, and the site is located on a road in Zhujiayu Village, Hi-tech Zone, Jinan City, Shandong Province. As the bus route extends from the city to the suburb and to the countryside, we need to give thoughts to the roles every stop plays instead of simply duplicating in the stereotyped way. The two statuses of bus stop, one purely coming from peoples waiting for the bus and one derived from the specific regional context, should come together to form an organic unity.

As for function, we intended to @Create a type of public space that encourages dialogues, e.g., dialogues between individuals and time or between people. Commuting office clerks and people waiting for the bus may read there, farmers may trade their produce with the people there, and visitors from the bus may check into local homestays after cultural exchange activities.

As for space, the bus stops are the primary transition space connecting different local parts. Compared to buses, the bus stop is a relatively private space. While compared to the surrounding environment, it is relatively open. This variation makes the bus stop a form embodying the genius loci. In the process of infiltrating the above space to the regional site, we established a series of space sequences in different levels.

As for material, we h**e been thinking which kind of material is better for achieving harmonization between complexity and contradictoriness of the bus stops under role transitions. In the end, what we chose as architectural materials are casted templates, scaffolds, farm produce such as field straws, and rammed earth, which are unique local wasted resources perfectly able for building the bus stops. We improved the previously adopted building methods to be systematic and universal and built a 1:1 physical model for deeper exploration. The two statuses of bus stop are reflected in regionality of the materials determined by soft and hard environment and the construction method as well as the material mode. People are supposed to consider in what aspects of the bus stop space are the two statuses going to be demonstrated respectively. And the choice also implies different interpretations from different angles in peoples experience and cognition.



