
1、 作品项目资料Project data):


英文(English)  The New Village——Low Technical Innovation of

Abandoned Boats and Stone Houses


总用地面积(Land Area)  23229.52㎡

总建筑面积(Gross Floor Area)  3278.65㎡

容积率(Floor Area Ratio)  0.14

2、 项目简介Project  Introduction)




Located in the northeast of Pingtan county, Fujian province, its a small village only 68 nautical miles away from Hsinchu, Taiwan. We call it Dongxiang Island. The island, by virtue of its maritime location, has a moderated and humid climate, with mild short winters and hot, long summers, though much cooler than inland places. Freezing temperatures h**e never been recorded here. The autumns are warmer than the springs. The area experiences windy weather, with an **erage wind speed of 6.9m/s and wind directions are consistent. In summer, the wind comes from the South, other seasons, it comes from the northeast. The cove regions of the island is one of the places with the strongest scale of wind in the province, recording 125 days stronger than near gale.

From generation to generation, the fishermen on the island make a living by fishing and maritime transport. Since the island is usually blown by strong winds and rich in granite and volcanic, villagers use these rocks to build their homes by the seaside. Years gone by, the sea level rises and submerges the original villages. And as the decline of the traditional sectors, villagers g**e up their boats and stone houses to find a job in the city. Hence, today we can only see old and rusty stone houses with disrepair fishing boats accompanying the lonely seniors and children on the beach.

 Now Pingtan Island has a booming tourism industry and improved its infrastructure, will this village get a second chance to flourish ? We consider combining the broken houses with the keels and decks from the abandoned boats, redefining the beach, giving the stone houses a new life and endowing them with new functions, so that the beach will become a new tourist attraction. Hopefully, the young villagers will come back and help build up their hometown.  



